Monday, September 13, 2010

Lady Gaga inspires Lanes Cove Design’s new “Wear Meat Eat Veggies” campaign

As much attention as Lady Gaga is getting over her meat dress I hate to disappoint her fans when I tell you that she is not the first person to wear meat.  The first meat dress was made in 1987 by Canadian artist, Jana Sterbak called 'Vanitas: Flesh Dress for an Albino Anorectic'.  The piece is hung in the National Gallery of Canada.  I think this could lead to a new Pro-vegetarian/vegan way of life.  Lady Gaga’s attempt to be “shocking” to say the least worked yet she was not original in her idea or her plan to wear the dress.

Lady Gaga's meat hat
The "original" meat dress

As soon as I saw this I knew we had to start a new campaign called “Wear Meat Eat Veggies”.  The campaign will help get the vegetarian word out there in a thought provoking medium.  See our items on CafePress at
My product design for Lanes Cove Design

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